Cuphead Cuphead DLC Cuphead The Delicious Last Course Cuphead The Delicious Last Course Hits 1 Million Units Sold Indie News PlayStation PS4 PS5 Sony Studio MDHR The Delicious Last Course

Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course DLC Has Hit 1 Million Units Sold

Studio MDHR’s long-awaited Cuphead DLC, The Delicious Last Course, has already peaked 1 million units sold less than two weeks after it launched.

Cuphead originally launched in 2017, though only came to PlayStation in 2020. Since its launch, more and more players have continued to fall in love with the beautiful animation and white-knuckle challenge it provides.

“This marks an even quicker timeline than it took for the original game to achieve this momentous feat, and we are just beside ourselves with joy and appreciation,” says Maja Moldenhauer, studio director and executive producer at MDHR.

“These words certainly do not encompass how grateful we are, but to the amazing Cuphead players worldwide we say nonetheless: thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

Any fan of the original game would do well to purchase the DLC, as it is seemingly more of everything that made the original game great in the first place.

Source – [Studio MDHR]