
Destiny likely to drop major DLC in favour of events in 2016

The developer behind Destiny has suggested that the shared-world shooter will likely eschew major DLC expansion in the future in favour of specific events.

Speaking during an interview with Eurogamer, Destiny’s Senior Designer, Derek Carroll, commented: “With Taken King we are moving to a more event-based model – things like Festival of the Lost and Sparrow racing, which is our winter event, and then smaller events such as Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris every weekend. Rather than doing these giant, monolithic DLC packs, this way everybody who’s an owner of Taken King can enjoy these things.

There’s lots of different reasons as to why – I don’t know how deep I can get into that. But basically the live team is charged with maintaining the game and keeping players happy, feeding them new content and surprising them with things they didn’t expect.

Whether or not this means Bungie will still release new missions and Raids remains unknown at this point, although from the sound of things we aren’t likely to see anything along the lines of The Taken King or even The Dark Below any time soon. Still, The Taken King was a massive success for Bungie and Activision, with the DLC topping the U.K. All Format Chart and selling through a heap of copies on the PlayStation 4. It also performed well in the U.S. and performed well on the PlayStation Store’s list of best-selling games for September.

Destiny’s latest update is available to download now, and includes a number of weapon-based fixes. Be sure to check out the latest weekly update details to see what new challenges await. Guardians can also take part in a series of new challenges in the King’s Fall Raid, which is made with hardcore players in mind. Check out our range of Destiny: The Taken King guides below.