Check out the Detroit Become Human Shades of Color walkthrough, where we'll show you how to complete the chapter 100%. Check out the Detroit Become Human Shades of Color flowchart to show you each path you need to unlock.
Please note: there are spoilers in this walkthrough.
In Shades of Color you can complete the chapter very quickly without getting 100% just by following the objectives along the central line in your Shades of Color flowchart. However, if you're seeking to get hold of all the trophies in the game, then completing Shades of Color 100% will help.
If you haven’t done so already, you should go back and check out The Hostage flowchart to complete that chapter in full.
Detroit Become Human Shades of Color Flowchart
Detroit Become Human Shades of Color Guide
- Walk through park and on the bench on the right-hand side of the path you'll find a magazine. Read Secret of Androids and Climate Change - Up”.
- Head into the Square at stare at the hot dog vendor. Stare long enough until he pushes Markus.
- Listen to the busker in the central area.
- Watch the preacher until he yells at you before you head to the Bellini Paint's Store.
- Go to the Paint's store and collect the package.
- On the way to the bus stop, walk towards the protestors until the cut-scene kicks in and the protestor's hassle Markus.
- Take the bus.
Congratulations, you have now completed Detroit Become Human Shades of Color 100%. Stay tuned for more walkthroughs, and check out the review and all the Graffiti locations.