Arc System Works has released the DNF Duel update 1.40 patch notes for your consumption, which adds support for DLC character Spectre as well as improvements to PS5 input lag.
[Ver.1.40] Patch Notes
Ver 1.40 patch has been released with the following updates:
- New DLC character – Spectre has been added.
- Battle balance adjustments have been made.
- New Battle System has been added.
General / In various Modes
- Improved input lag on PlayStation 5.
- Opening cinematic has been updated (The previous version can be found in Movie Gallery).
- Revised the search algorithm for Ranked Match. (Not applied to Nintendo Switch)
Bug Fix
Training Mode
- Fixed the bug in which the opponent set as ‘Guard all’ can sometimes be hit when certain actions are recorded on Reversal recording.
- Fixed the bug in which Record/Playback shortcut button is activated in certain situations, even when Record/Playback Type is set as ‘Random’ in Action Record Settings.
Story Mode
- Fixed the bug in which only the opponent wins upon Double KO. (Not applied to Nintendo Switch)
Ranked Match
- Fixed the bug in which the entry is not automatically released after the limited time to accept the match has passed. (Applied only to Nintendo Switch)
- Fixed the bug in which Reversal system notice is displayed when it has not been activated.
- Fixed the bug in which certain objects are displayed in front of system notice in Oceanic Express Stage.
Key Display
- Moved 1P’s arrow keys to the left side of the screen in Training Mode and Replay Mode. (Applied only to Nintendo Switch)