Media Molecule has taken to the PlayStation Blog to announce that its Dreams community event, DreamsCom, is making a return on July 27.
DreamsCom is a dedicated event for the critically acclaimed PS4 Do-It-Yourself title, which offers a look at the creators and their creations within the Dreamiverse. The broadcast will kick off on July 27 at 5.00pm BST/9.00am PST, and can be viewed on Twitch.
That’s not all though, as July 28 will see the DreamsCom ’21 show floor open up, which has been constructed entirely within Media Molecule’s celebrated title. Here, users can have a poke around the halls and visit booths to see what what creators have been up to.
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Furthermore, from July 28 – July 30, fans can check out Media Molecule’s Twitch channel to watch them playing and chat about various DreamsCom creations, which forms part of The Impsider’s extended DreamsCom coverage. Developer sessions will also be run during this time, which offers interviews with content creators about their work and inspiration.
Dreams is now available for PS4 and you can read our review here.
[Source – PlayStation Blog]