Altair Breaker Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate Fantavision 202X Kizuna AI: Touch the Beat News PlayStation PlayStation VR2 PS VR2 PS5 Sony The Tale Of Onogoro X8

Fantavision 202X, Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate And More Are Coming To PlayStation VR2 At Launch

The latest post from the PlayStation Blog has revealed the original PlayStation classic Fantavision will be coming to PlayStation VR2, along with five other games including Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate, X8 and more.

Out of all six games announced in this post, five of them will be launching day and date with the PS VR2, only X8 is listed as without a release date.

Fantavision 202X is being developed by Cosmo Machia Inc. in Unreal Engine, and will have you catching fireworks to create a beautiful night sky.

It takes full advantage of the haptic feedback in the PSVR2 Sense controllers, and it’ll feature a replay mode allowing you to sit back and enjoy the show you’ve created.

Altair Breaker is a multiplayer sword-fighting game from Thirdverse, that’ll have you combating rogue AI machines with up to three other players.

Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate is a narrative focused adventure, as you delve into the mystery behind a high-profile murder.

Here’s all six titles announced in the post:

  • Fantavision 202X
  • Altair Breaker
  • The Tale Of Onogoro
  • Kizuna AI – Touch The Beat!
  • Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate
  • X8

Source – [PlayStation Blog]