Storm Trident and Forever Entertainment have announced that FRONT MISSION 2: Remake is launching on April 30, 2024 for PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One. The game was previously released for Nintendo Switch in October of last year.
Following the 2nd Huffman Conflict, the People’s Republic of Alordesh have been suffering severe economic decline, creating widespread discontent for citizens. Picking up twelve years after the events of FRONT MISSION: 1st, the game opens Van Mackarge leading a coup d’etat, resulting in the attack and occupation of three military bases and the parliament within the country’s capital.
Players follow the O.C.U military teams Muddy Otters, Dull Stages, and O.C.U Ground Defence Force Intelligence Agency as they monitor the situation while the country is engulfed in civil war.
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FRONT MISSION 2: Remake offers a number of improvements for modern consoles, including faster loading times, enhanced in-gam effects, modernised battle scene, and a renewed soundtrack.