
Game of the Year — PSU 2010 Game Awards

The nominees for 2010 Game of the Year are…

And the winner is…

Though it faced some tough competition in 2010, Rockstar San Diego’s Red Dead Redemption absolutely blew us away with its engaging plotline, sumptuous visuals, and intense action sequences. Like many games nowadays, Red Dead Redemption astounds at first sight, but its subtleties continue impress five, ten, even twenty hours into the experience (we still can’t get over the game’s gorgeous day/night cycle). With all sorts of characters and critters scurrying around, Rockstar’s Old West is expansive but certainly not desolate; in fact, the world positively teems with life. Toss in a superb soundtrack, a comprehensive morality system, and a fantastic suite of multiplayer options; the end result is a polished, creative take on the open-world genre that redefines the western. John Ford would be proud.

And the Community Award goes to…

God of War III reigned in the almighty popular vote among the PSU community, winning the 2010 Community Game of the Year award. 42% of users voted in favor of Sony Santa Monica’s latest epic for Game of the Year. Our editorial team’s 2010 Game of the Year winner, Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption, lassoed 29% of user votes for Game of the Year, second only to Kratos’ premiere PS3 outing. Quantic Dream’s Heavy Rain sopped up 19.6% of votes, followed by Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood with 9.3%. Lastly, less than 1% of the community sprang for Ready at Dawn’s impressive PSP counterpart, God of War: Ghost of Sparta.

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Our unbiased editorial team selected all PlayStation Universe 2010 Game Award nominees and recipients. The PSU.com community voted on each group of nominees to determine the Community Award(s) for each category. Only games available on a PlayStation platform (PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2) were eligible for a PlayStation Universe 2010 Game Award.