Speaking to IGN at Brighton’s Develop conference, Gearbox Software boss Randy Pitchford confirmed that the studio is working on an ‘authentic’ new entry in the Brothers in Arms franchise.
Pitchford revealed that the new game is currently in the early stages of development and that Gearbox is looking for extra help on the title. However, once this has been achieved, he expects things to pick up quickly.
"I think the next Brothers in Arms game has to be authentic and we have been working on that," he says. "I feel we have unfinished business there with both the fiction and the history and I’d like to get into that. I spend a lot of time thinking about it.
"Sadly it takes a lot of resources, energy and money to do what must be done, so it’s not something I feel I could completely do alone. I need good partners for it, so we’ve been talking to great folks but it’s really putting all that together that’s the limiting factor. Once we put all the partnerships together in terms of publishing, collaborators and creatives, we can talk about it.
"I feel like I’m on the brink of it, but we’re not quite there yet. Once it happens development will really take off and then sometime after that – if we don’t completely kill ourselves – we’ll announce. But we’re in the incubation phase with the next one there, for sure."
The last time we heard of a Brothers in Arms title was back at Ubisoft’s E3 2011 press conference, when Gearbox announced plans for Brothers in Arms: Furious 4. Despite plans for a 2012 release, the game never materialized, and Pitchford later said that the game had ‘evolved‘ following negative feedback.
Sure enough, Pitchford said earlier this week that Furious 4 "is not a thing anymore." It is believed the game eventually became Battleborn following extensive changes, though Gearbox recently assured fans that the series isn’t dead—and it looks like that is indeed the case.