Leipzig Games Convention 2008 News

Heavy Rain to appear at Leipzig

Sony has unveiled its line-up of PlayStation 3 software set to appear at the Leipzig Games Convention later this month, including titles such as Free realms, LittleBigPlanet and Heavy Rain.

With the release of new screenshots and a behind the scenes video for Heavy Rain, we can only expect that Quantic Dreams will fully unveil the title at Leipzig, giving in-depth details on storyline and gameplay.

Also, it is rumored that Eat Sleep and Play’s new title (rumoured to be Twisted Metal) will be present at Leipzig, though it is unknown if it will be shown publicly or behind closed doors.

Here is the complete list of titles appearing at Leipzig:

– DC Universe Online
– Home
– MotorStorm Pacific Rift
– LittleBigPlanet
– Resistance 2
– The Agency
– Infamous
– Killzone 2 Singleplayer and Multiplayer hands-on
– Heavy Rain
– Free realms