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Hitman 3 March 2022 Roadmap Unveiled, Includes The Collector Elusive Target & Arcade Contract Changes

IO Interactive has lifted the wraps off the Hitman 3 March 2022 roadmap, which will feature changes to Arcade Contracts as well as The Collector Elusive Contract.

Things kick off today with Elusive Target Arcade, offering three Arcade Contracts spread across each game in the Hitman World of Assassination Trilogy — Nebulae, the Genera, and The Vitae. Completing these will reward you with the Sieger AR552 Tactical assault rifle.

In addition, the following changes are being made to Arcade Contacts:

  • We will reintroduce the mission briefing for each individual mission within an Arcade Contract.
  • There will be one single complication that is persistent throughout each Arcade Contract.
  • We’ve removed the following complications from The Deceits: “Hide All Bodies” and “Camera Countdown”. The only remaining complication is “One Pacification”.
  • We’ve removed the following complications from The Codices: “One Disguise Change” and “Headshots Only”. The only remaining complication is “No Civilian Casualties”.
  • We’ve removed the following complications from The Ellipses: “No Ballistics” and “Camera Countdown”. The only remaining complication is “Hide All Bodies”.
    • We’ve chosen to preserve the “Hide All Bodies” complication in The Ellipses to stay in line with the choice of retaining the first complication from each Contract and to avoid issues with the leaderboards. It won’t be coming back in future Arcade Contracts.

Beyond that, March 11 will see The Collector Elusive Target return to the fold, which takes place in Dartmoor. Players will have 10 days to dispatch their target, and completing the contract will go towards unlocking ET suits via challenges.

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March 17 will add Patient Zero Contracts Mode support, with two new maps — The Author (Sapienza) and Patient Zero (Hokkaido) — being added to existing support for The Source (Bangkok). To take part, you’ll need to own the Hitman 1 GOTY Access Pass DLC.

Finally March 24 will add yet another bunch of Arcade Contracts for Elusive Target Arcade. “This batch will also include an Arcade Contract consisting of Elusive Targets from each game in the trilogy. Once you’ve successfully completed any of the three, the HWK21 Covert will be yours.”

Hitman 3 is out now for PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One. You can read our full review here.