
I Am Alive, Beyond Good & Evil 2 still in the works

Ubisoft’s confirmed that I Am Alive and Beyond Good & Evil 2 have been spared the chop following news that the publisher had canned a number of projects as part of a new restructuring initiative.

Both games are still in development, with the cancelled titles in question relating to unannounced games.

"Ubisoft has taken measures to adapt its structure to major changes in the industry by reorganising the roles and operations of its studios, which has resulted in the termination of certain projects," Ubisoft said.

"Terminated projects were unannounced projects," the company confirmed to Eurogamer.

Despite this, Ubisoft wasn’t prepared to divulge any further information on either title, adding, "We have nothing new to report on those two titles for the moment."

I Am Alive was first announced back in 2009, and during its development is believed to have made the transition from retail release to a digital-only title for PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE.

Back in January last year it was reported the game had been positioned for release in or after April 2011, though we’re now in May and the game has still yet to see the light of day.

As for Beyond Good & Evil 2, Ubisoft teased the sequel three years ago via a brief video and has kept mum on the project ever since.

Stay tuned.