
Killzone 2 developer discusses DLC and co-op

Those of you who have been enjoying the Killzone 2 demo over the course of the last couple of weeks may have noticed that sometimes your A.I. teammates just don’t cut it in certain situations. This is one of the many reasons why it would be amazing if Killzone 2 provided a co-op experience, right? Unfortunately, due to the processing load that Killzone 2 imposes on the PlayStation 3, this wish is one that may never become reality. However, this doesn’t mean that the team behind the highly anticipated shooter isn’t seriously considering it for DLC.

On Sony’s European website, Angie Smets, one of the producers on the title, discusses what to expect for downloadable content.

"We’re investigating [co-op] now for downloadable content," she says. "We’re looking at what would be the nicest possible things for downloadable content. We’ve already started on maps … we’re not allowed to talk about anything else unfortunately!"

It goes without saying that additional maps for all multiplayer modes should be a necessity, but it would be sweet if they somehow managed to throw in online co-op for Killzone 2. We can dream, right?