Ryosuke Horii, the series director on Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio‘s Like A Dragon franchise, has said he welcomes arguments among the development team, suggesting that it helps make better games.
Speaking with Automaton, Horri-san was asked if members of RGG Studio argue with each other at times, to which he confirmed they did, but was keen to note that as long any quarrels were kept under control it wasn’t actually a bad thing.
For example, if a designer and a programmer are quarreling, it is the planner’s job to intercede. After all, if there are no arguments nor discussions, you can expect no more than a lukewarm final product. Therefore, fights are always welcome. But obviously, fighting is meaningless if it doesn’t result in a fruitful conclusion, so it is up to the planner to lead everyone in the right direction. It’s all about having healthy and productive fights.
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We accept opinions based on how good they are, not based on which team suggested them. On the other hand, we also make sure to ‘mercilessly’ shut down poor ideas, so it boils down to having debates and ‘battles’ in the interest of making a good game.
In related news, RGG studio will be hosting a presentation online next month, during which it is expected the company will unveil its next major project. Meanwhile, fans who attended RGG Studio’s appearance during the Essence of Fandom event earlier in the summer claimed that the developer said folk will “be surprised” by what comes.