Supermassive Games has announced the first details on the Man of Medan multiplayer, which allows players to experience the first instalment in the Dark Pictures Anthology in two unique ways outside of single-player: Shared Story and Movie Night. You can read more details on the former in our hands-on preview here.
Man Of Medan Multiplayer Revealed
Shared Story is co-op between two players online, where you each control a specific character in the story. It’s easy enough to set up; one person acts as the host, while the other connects to them, and you’re good to go. You’ll be flipping between characters at various points throughout the game, and won’t always be together; Man of Medan will split you up at times, so expect things to get tense.
Meanwhile, Movie Night attempts to create a classic horror movie fest by inviting five players to experience Man of Medan. Each player must be assigned to a specific character, so everyone will have an impact on the story. It’s a local experience, so you simply pass the pad to the next player when it’s their turn.
The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan is slated for release on August 30 for PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One. The game takes place on a ghost ship in the South Pacific Ocean, where a group of American vacationers find themselves stalked by a malevolent presence that haunts the vessel.
Five characters are playable in the game, although depending on your decisions during the adventure, it’s possible for all of them to die or survive. If you’ve played Until Dawn, then you should definitely think about checking this one out.
Supermassive Games has revealed that Man of Medan will clock in at around five hours in terms of length, although there’s obvious ample replay value available given the amount of choices on offer.
No details on the second entry in the Dark Pictures Anthology have been confirmed yet, but we’ll keep you in the loop.