2K news Arkane Lyon Deathloop Deathloop Platinum Trophy Mark Cerny PS5 trophy

Mark Cerny Adds Deathloop Platinum To His Growing Trophy Collection

Mark Cerny, the brains behind the PS4 and PS5 architecture, has revealed that he’s nabbed the Platinum Trophy for Deathloop, and took the time to heap praise on Arkane Lyon’s time-bending shooter in the process.


Cerny hasn’t been shy when it comes to showing off his Trophy collection, having already conquered the likes of Demon’s Souls remake, Returnal, and Cuphead among others. Cerny has a long history in the games industry as a whole, even working on Sonic the Hedgehog 2 at SEGA back in the early 1990s.

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Deathloop was released for the PS5 back in September, and is easily one of the best games available for Sony’s latest powerhouse console to date.

Microsoft purchased ZeniMax Media back in March 2021, which means that a wealth of studios including Bethesda, Arkane, id Software, Machine Games, and Tango Gameworks will now be producing titles exclusively for PC and Xbox formats.