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MultiVersus Game Director Says Dataminers Do ‘A Disservice To The Players’

MultiVersus dataminers do “a disservice to the players” by unearthing unannounced characters and stages ahead of an official reveal, the game’s director has said.

Dataminers were out in full force during the initial run for MultiVersus before it was taken offline and rested, discovering code and assets for upcoming characters, including the Joker, who was unearthed in data files in September 2022.

Speaking with VGC, Tony Huynh discussed the topic of dataminers, and touched on whether any measures have been put in place to prevent leaks from happening ahead of the game’s re-launch.

A lot of things. It is an arms race, so it’ll be constant protections against new and creative ways to datamine. At the end of the day, we’ve done a lot, we’ve learned a lot, but again, it is an arms race.I can’t promise that there won’t ever be leaks or anything like that. But on our end, we’ve done, I think, above and beyond what industry standards and protections there are.

That being said, everyone’s very creative and they’re… they’re just very, very smart. We’re reacting, and we put a lot of stuff in place, but I’m just continuously impressed by their level of ability to get through things.

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That’s right. I mean, yeah, I think it’s a disservice to the players, honestly, that these things are ruined, and it’s deflating for the team as well. But more importantly, it’s – I wouldn’t use the word ‘depressing’ – it’s just unfortunate for the players. They don’t get the grand reveal that we have planned, and a lot of the air is sucked out of the room. But these things happen, so we’re trying to prevent them from occurring in the future.

MultiVersus is slated for release on May 28, 2024 for PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One.

[Source – VGC]