Bungie has shared more details on February’s upcoming Crimson Days event for Destiny.
For this Valentine’s Day-themed event, Guardians will find themselves forming a two-man fireteam and taking part in 2v2 Elimination mode. Your goal is to win five matches against the opposing team to secure victory.
However, in keeping in with the theme, there’s a twist. If your partner should get killed during a firefight, your character will be infused with the power of Broken Heart, making them more resistant to damage and able to draw their weapon quicker.
Players can take advantage of this buff until their either die themselves, the round ends, or their partner is revived.
In addition, you can also gain bonus experience on all equipped weapons for 30 minutes via the Crimson Connection buff, while Crimson Candy will augment both the player and the fireteame as a whole.
As ever, you can expect new Bounties as well as the all-new Crimson Bond Quest, which can be obtained from Lord Shaxx in the Tower. Complete the latter to earn yourself a swanky Crimson Days Emblem, while beating Crimson Doubles will give you the opportunity to earn new Shaders and Ghost Shells.
If that wasn’t enough, the Eververse Trading Company will be offering some new emotes in the shape of the Awkward and Strange dance, Secret Greeting, Fist Bump and Charm.
Crimson Days takes place February 9-16.