
New Details on FFXIII and Versus XIII

The latest Famitsu, which was translated by members of our forums, revealed quite a bit of new information surrounding Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII. The information is in regards to the character design process for Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII and the prince of Versus XIII.

Tetsuya Nomura, the character designer for both games stated in reference to Lightning that she is very strict to herself and others and can’t stand others who whine. She also has muscular legs and is like a military soldier. Motomu Toriyama, the scenario writer for FFXIII originally wanted Lightning to be even more muscular and macho. Nomura disagreed and thought that people wouldn’t be fond of her as the main character if she was designed that way which we would have to agree as those body building females aren’t so aesthetically pleasing.

Versus XIII is different. The hero’s clothes that we have seen will most likely be changed and contrary to what some people are expecting, he will not be similar to Cloud or Squall from the previous Final Fantasy games. Nomura did state that everyone’s impression on him will greatly change once they hear him speak and that many people may not like him. His name will be related to weather like Lightning and Cloud, but considering that Nomura has gotten bored of that tradition it may possibly just be a surname.

Nomura has also stated he will reveal the characters name the next time he talks about Versus XIII.
