Ubisoft has released a new Watch Dogs 2 series known as Remote Access, with the first video taking a look at new protagonist Marcus Holloway and his buddies at DedSec.
Check it out below.
Watch Dogs 2 release date confirmed for November
Watch Dogs 2 is scheduled for release on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One on November 15, 2016. The game takes place in the San Francisco Bay area, and is roughly twice the size of its predecessor, which was set in Chicago.
The sequel introduces a brand new protagonist in the shape of the aforementioned Marcus Holloway, a skilled free-runner and member of hacking group, DedSec. As mentioned, Watch Dogs 2 also features a full-fledged multiplayer component, with both co-op and competitive elements included.
However, the AR games featured in the original Watch Dogs will not be returning for the sequel, with the game offering more city exploration in its place.