EA News Plants Vs. Zombies: Battle For Neighborville PS4

Plants Vs Zombies Battle For Neighborville Feastivus Update Patch Notes

EA has published the Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville Feastivus update patch notes for your viewing pleasure. This is Plants vs Zombies’ way of celebrating the holiday season, and will go live on December 2.

Plants Vs Zombies Battle For Neighborville Feastivus Update Patch Notes

Patch Notes


  • Added an all-new Map: Oozevoir
  • Updated Giddy Park’s loading screen to a winter-themed version
  • Added new Grandmaster Ranks to the game so character levels now go up to 50 (current top rank is 20)
  • Updated the Social Tab to show the Grandmaster Ranks of all players in Giddy Park
  • Updated the Player Rank plates to make them easier to read
  • Moved completed Free-Roam Region Medals to the bottom of the screen
  • Updated the last Weekly Challenges so they now give Rainbow Stars instead of coins
  • Added a Vanquish/Vanquished Ratio to the end-of-round scoreboard for multiplayer games
  • Added new UI icons for Character Perks, including attack, defend, speed, and character-specific perks

Turf Takeover:

  • Decreased capture time for certain objectives
  • Made it easier to hit targets on the final objective in Goopy Gully

Free-Roam Regions:

  • Added new ‘Casual’ setting, reducing the amount of damage players will take when at low health
  • Added a cooldown timer to region Bounty Hunts and Gnome activities

Giddy Park:

  • Added two new Festivals – Feastivus and Snowday
    • New set dressing for each festival with “snow” terrain and visual effects
  • Added three new activities in Giddy Park for Snowday Festival in January – Treasure hunt, Bounty, and Coin capture

Battle Arena:

  • Updated so that the last player standing will now get a spotting and 10% speed increase buff to help them fight the enemy team

Rux’s Emporium:

  • Included the ability for players to now purchase Costumes, Gestures, Emotes, and much more
  • Included the ability for players to purchase Rainbow Stars for use in Rux’s Emporium

Major Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the Scoreboard so that it can now be viewed when the player is vanquished
  • Adjusted mouse sensitivity options to have a wider range, allowing the user to adjust them to a much finer extent
  • Fixed the heal beam so that it’s no longer canceled when its target sprints
  • Fixed the issue where players could get a completed challenge after re-rolling

Controller Settings:

  • Increased max aim acceleration
  • Reduced scale factor (ramp up) for aim acceleration


  • Extended our max value for controller sensitivity
  • Extended our max value for controller aiming sensitivity
  • Extended our max value for controller aim acceleration

Aim Assist:

  • Adjusted assist settings when set to low
  • Adjusted acceleration thresholds
  • Reduced multiplier when facing aim assist targets
  • Reduced aim assist when pushing sticks to extremes
  • Reduced base aim assist area when aiming at a target

PC Controls:

  • Adjusted ranges and step values for mouse sensitivity
  • Adjusted min mouse sensitivity value

Game Modes:

  • Increased disarm time in Gnome Bomb
  • Reduced max time to be revived in Team Vanquish