Asad Qizilbash Games PlayStation PS5 Sony

PlayStation’s Asad Qizilbash Anticipates Games Will ‘Shift From Graphics To Immersive Narratives’ in Next Decade

Games are likely to shift from a focus on visuals to immersive narratives within the coming decade, according to Asad Qizilbash, who serves as head of PlayStation Productions and PlayStation Studios’ head of product.

Speaking during an interview following Sony’s corporate strategy meeting

In terms of gaming’s future, I envision games becoming more personalised due to advances in technology and AI, enabling customized experiences for each player. Moreover, technological advancements will enhance emotional depth in games by allowing characters to be much more emotive and expressive, fostering more evocative storytelling.

That’s going to help a whole generation of creators be able to just create so much more emotion in the stories. The focus is going to shift from graphics or visuals to immersive narratives that resonate long after the controller is set down.

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Neil Druckmann of Naughty Dog was also interviewed as part of Sony’s Creative Entertainment Vision presentation, during which he revealed that the studio’s as-yet unannounced upcoming project could ‘redefine mainstream perception of gaming.’

[Source – Sony Interview]