
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Cheats

Restore all sand slots

While playing the game, hold L3 and quickly press Circle(2), X, Square(2), X, Triangle(2).

Illustration Gallery
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Illustration Gallery.

Alternate ending

Successfully complete the game with all nine Life Upgrades to view an alternate ending.

Play as Sandwraith

When you reach the portal room for the second time, when you have to switch the time to the present for the first time, the Prince will say that something is wrong. You must run the switches on the wall to make the portal work correctly. Do not run the switches on the wall. Instead, enter the portal as it is and you will switch the time to the present. Save the game, then exit and load the game. You will now be playing as Sandwraith. In this mode you will constantly lose life and much more health when hit than in normal mode. However your attacks will be very powerful and you are much more quicker. Note: Save the game on a different file if you wish to continue the game as the Prince.

Do the same thing as instructed above, but do not exit the game. Instead, continue playing until you die, or just jump into a pit. Either way, you must die a few times for this to work. Eventually when you retry and come back to life, the prince’s body will become completely invisible except for his swords and his head. Note: You only have one chance to play the game in this form; if you die again and retry you will come back as the sandwraith and will not be able to do it again unless you start a new game.

Glowing sword

Go to the Mystic Caves with a sword that can break walls. Pass the first gate that unloced to find a passage divided by a pit with a switch on the floor. Jump into the pit and get through the breakable section of wall at one end. Break the weapon rack that is behind it to get the glowing sword. This secondary weapon does a large amount of damage, but with every use will also increase damage given to the Prince.

Hockey stick

After getting a sword that can break walls, return to the Central Hall during the Throne And The Mask level. Turn the lever to cover the ground level gap. Follow the same path used to get the Life Upgrade in this area. However, instead of entering the door, turn right and break the part of the wall with sand coming down with your sword to find a weapons rack that is hiding the hockey stick weapon.

Pink flamingo

After getting a sword that can break walls, get to the Garden Hall (Present). Begin at the middle passageway at the very top of the hall. Wall run to the rope, then wall run to the central platform. Turn to the left and walk through the rubble that should be in front of you. Turn around and hold onto the platform you were just standing on. Then, jump across the gap to the next platform. To your left is another platform with a switch. Once there, use the switch then go back to the platform you were just on. Climb on the block that is now here, then do a vertical wall run and jump to get to the beam above. Walk along the beam to the right then jump to the ledge on the far wall. Follow the ledge until you find an alcove. Drop down into the alcove and use your sword to break the rear wall on the right side. The pink flamingo weapon is hidden in the weapon rack. One hit from it can knock anything except Bosses to the ground.

Rayman’s glove

Get to the main tomb in the Catacombs. Exit this area to begin a Dahaka chase. Notice that the passageway branches during the second and third Dahaka chase. Turn left here and find the weapon rack immediately to your left. Break the weapon rack to collect Rayman’s glove. One hit from it can knock anything except Bosses to the ground.

Teddy bear

One of the miscellaneous secondary weapons is the teddy bear. Locate it after earning the Scorpion Sword in the clock (west) tower. There are three encounters with a giant golem enemy in the clock tower when you initially go through it. The first is before you start negotiating the vertical climbing of the tower (past); the second is atop the clock tower (past); and the third is stationary and throws exploding monsters in the clock tower’s second area (past). Look for the room where the second giant golem enemy is found. You need to be in the present (find a time portal) and drop into the water-filled dead end past the golem’s room. Break the wall and retrieve the teddy bear. The teddy bear is almost unbreakable and does almost no damage, but has the ability to restore lost life to the Prince with each successful blow on an enemy.

Old sword

On the ship where the game starts, look at the weapon that your dead shipmates have dropped (the humans, not monsters). Most of them should be the sword you started with Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time.