Sony has issued a press release with new details regarding the development platform Unity. This summer, Sony will have a public preview of Unity for PlayStation Mobile. The press release highlights that Unity for PSM will be "optimized for the creation of PSM content."
Expansion is also on the horizon. Sony states that "the ‘PlayStation®Mobile Developer Program’ will expand to an additional 12 countries, and PlayStation®Store (PS Store) for PSM will launch in four new countries. With these expansions, SCE will offer support to a wider range of developers in a total of 32 countries and regions, and deliver new PSM content for PS Vita in 22 countries."
It seems that Sony is hoping that the expansion of Unity will bring a wealth of titles to the PlayStation Vita and mobile devices. This may cause some caution with Vita owners who are looking for high-profile titles. On the other hand, a bigger, more diverse developer base could bring about the next indie hit that could move Vitas off the shelves.
Sony is also sticking with their indie developer push by attempting to make Unity for PSM an intuitive process for no extra costs.
"Developers will be able to create PSM content by utilizing ‘Unity for PSM’ without having to pay any extra charges if they already own licenses for the free version of "Unity" or "Unity Pro," which provide a full professional suite of tools and rendering power. The official "Unity for PSM" removes the need for extensive re-coding, allowing developers to easily port their games created for iPhone, iPad, and Android™ based devices to launch on PSM and deliver their content to PS Vita users worldwide."
So again, this may not bring on the heavy hitter title Vita owners are looking for, but some of the best mobile games could make their way to Vita. There are a solid number of iPad- and iPhone-exclusive games that are very good, and Unity for PSM could hypothetically give those developers more exposure and revenue to create games from the ground up for Sony consoles.
With the news of Sony prepping for a big Unity push this summer, are you excited to see what comes of it? Or does this news give you even less hope for the PS Vita?
Via press release