The PS5 doesn’t officially have a web browser yet, but the console already lets you pin web pages to the sidebar, next to your game whilst you play, allowing you to watch a video, guide, or listen to your favourite podcast.
The easiest way to do this is for someone to send you a message, or for you to start a party with someone and send a message yourself, with a URL in it. From there you can open up the control centre choose “Game Base” and select the party you just created. From there you can just click the link, select “Options” and then “Pin To Side” at which point you can browse the web or look at your favourite guide or podcast all whilst playing your game. Pretty handy!
If you want to change what you are watching or switch to a new website, all you have to do is hit the PlayStation Button and select the web browser, which will be the first activity card in the lineup. Here you can make changes and then pin it to the side of your game once again to resume playing.
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This is a neat feature and the fact that it is here leaves us even more surprised that we don’t have an official internet browser on PS5. The features here and the implementation of it into the UI means that it would be really useful and probably one of the best internet browsers on a console ever. Surely Sony has to implement it at some point?
The PS5 is available now.
Source – [PushSquare]