Mark Cerny News PlayStation PlayStation 5 Pro PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution (PSSR) PlayStation Studios PlayStation VR2 PS5 Pro PSSR PSVR2 Sony

PS5 Pro’s PSSR Will Work On All Games Without A Patch, Even PSVR2 Games

PS5 Pro has finally been revealed, we finally know the price and we’re starting to learn more about what it can do.

Following Mark Cerny’s presentation which laid out how the Pro improves on the original PS5, we got a number of previews from select outlets who were able to go hands-on with the Pro, revealing even more than what Cerny discussed in his 9-minute presentation.

Like the fact that according to Cerny in a preview from CNET, PlayStation’s previously announced PSSR (PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution) will be able to work on all games, without those games needing to be patched – even PSVR2 games.

There are going to be games that get patches, no doubt, but it’s also good to know that with the combined power of the PS5 Pro and PSSR working in tandem you will hopefully be able to get you the best experience possible out of the box when it launches this November.

Source – [CNET]