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Resident Evil 2, 3, And 7 Physical PS5 Versions Seem To Be Incoming After An Appearance On A Romanian Retailer

Resident Evil 2 Remake, Resident Evil 3 Remake, and Resident Evil 7: Biohazard all have updates for the PS5 that owners of those games can download now, if they have a PS5.

These updates are currently only available digitally, though it looks like that might be changing. Physical versions of each game on PS5 were spotted on a Romanian retailer’s website,

The listings have since been removed, but not before it was spotted by RinoTheBouncer on Twitter, with screenshots posted by AlexCardinal21 a few comments below.

It seems like a case of listings going up before they were meant to. Still, it’s not exactly the same as getting confirmation from Capcom that these new versions of the game are coming.

However if they are, then hopefully it’ll be a case where DLC, and all extra content that’s been available for each game are is also included on the disc, and there’s nothing that needs to be downloaded beyond a patch.

Source – [RinoTheBouncer on Twitter]