With the latest installment of Tomb Raider series Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Lara Crofts continues here adventure. Following the first two of Croft’s trilogy story, we saw how Lara matured from being a simple girl into a strong tomb raider expert. Of all the different caves, jungles and tombs Lara Croft has been through, only one thing remains: puzzles. So here we give you guide in solving Shadow of the Tomb Raider first puzzle. Welcome to our Shadow of the Tomb Raider White Queen Puzzle Solution guide.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider White Queen Puzzle Solution
To start with, let’s go back to the young Lara Croft. After great sequence scenes where child Lara dreams of breaking into her own house, she then pretends she’s raiding a tomb. The Shadow of the Tomb Raider White Queen Puzzle begins.
So first head your way from the garden, going up and above the roof and finally to the showroom. The showroom has plenty of trinkets where you can find mobile pieces and globe at. Don’t forget to get the clues and letters you’ll see on the way.
Then open you artifacts inventory and search for Enigmatic Clues. Next, you’ll find the coordinates that are important to the White Queen Puzzle solution. The coordinates say 90 degrees East and 30 degrees North. So locate this coordinates in the globe and a ladder will appear.
You’ll unlock the mezzanine once the ladder drops so just explore around, analyzing the clues until you reach the wheel at the far side. Talk to the wheel and unfold the bat’s wings.
After that, a red light appears which radiates downward. So arrange knight’s shield to properly reflect the red light. The arrangement should have the one knight on whichever side facing a painting. And there, you’ll see the Shadow of the Tomb Raider White Queen!
However, the White Queen is imprisoned in a cage. So to let her go, return to the globe and enter different coordinates until the ladder now gets upward. Then talk to the White Queen and drag her towards you and between the two knights’ shield. And there, the cage’s door opens and you’ll free the White Queen!
And that’s all you need for Shadow of the Tomb Raider White Queen Puzzle Solution. Get more Shadow of the Tomb Raider guides here.