Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 being this year’s Call Of Duty game is now even more of an open secret than it was yesterday, as now it seems the game’s lead developer, Sledgehammer Games, is teasing the coming reveal with a new header image on its official Twitter page.
Spotted by CharlieIntel, the final “E” in Sledgehammer now reads like the Roman numeral for the number 3, turned on its side. It even bears the same colour red seen in the leaked artwork and logo for Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 from the Monster Energy collaboration.
This is only the latest tease/full blown unofficial reveal of Modern Warfare 3 we’ve seen after Activision accidentally named Modern Warfare 3 in a DMCA strike, the leaked artwork, and Activision previously putting a poll to Twitter revealing content from Modern Warfare II would be transferable to this year’s game.
Not to mention the previous confirmation we got from Activision that we can expect to find out more about what this year’s Call Of Duty title is with the reveal of Season 5 for Modern Warfare II, a reveal that’s expected to arrive sometime early August.
Which means it could potentially be as early as next week that we finally get official confirmation that Modern Warfare 3 is in fact this year’s Call Of Duty game.
Source – [CharlieIntel]