Sony has confirmed an investigation has been launched after yesterday’s reports that a ransomware group took credit for breaching the company’s systems.
The group named claimed to have “compromised all Sony systems” and was planning to sell the stolen data. While at the time these claims had yet to be verified, Sony isn’t taking any chances and is now launching a full investigation, as confirmed in a statement issued to IGN:
We are currently investigating the situation, and we have no further comment at this time.
The group in question is believed to mainly operate from Ukraine and Russia and has only just become active within the last month or so. They are threatening to post the Sony data on September 28 if no buyer comes forward before that time.
Sony suffered a major hack back in 2011 when cyber attackers managed to compromise the PlayStation Network and gain access to the data over some 77 million accounts and brought the service offline for nearly one month.
[Source – IGN]