E3 2009 News

Sony saving "megaton announcement" for E3 09

According to a 1UP, Sony is preparing a "MEGATON ANNOUNCEMENT" for E3. Apparently, all of the Sony personnel that have since found out about the announcement have been "agog." For those of you who haven’t taken ‘Random Four Letter Words 101,’ agog means very eager or curious to hear or see something.

"Let’s just say that Sony has been such a leaky ship that the fact that they’ve managed to keep this hidden blows my mind," says the 1UP source.

What could the announcement be? One "megaton announcement" would be the reveal of Rockstar’s PS3 exclusive, but perhaps the announcement involves the long-rumored PS3 motion controller. Until the Sony Conference next week, it’s all mere speculation. We’ll be attending the conference, so we’ll let you know what the announcement is the second it hits.