Sony America’s ubiquitous hardware marketing boss John Koller has claimed that the platform holder’s first-party development sector is as large as Microsoft and Nintendo’s combined.
Speaking at GDC last month, Koller stated, “Our development studios – the Worldwide Studios team – is as large as Microsoft and Nintendo’s combined.”
The executive added that punters can expect to see a wide range of first-party offerings over the next few years, ranging from brand new IP’s to existing franchises for both PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable.
“We have a tremendously creative group, and a line-up for the next few years that will bring a lot of new IP to the market, but will also being a lot of [tried and tested] franchises and new iterations to the PS3 in particular, but also PSP,” he said.
Among the highlights for both formats this year include Heavy Rain and God of War III for PS3, along with MotorStorm and LittleBigPlanet for PSP. Needless to say, 2009 is looking decidedly rosy indeed.