
Square reveals FFXIV PS3 delay was down to "memory"

Final Fantasy XIV producer Hiromichi Tanaka has revealed that the PlayStation 3 version of the upcoming MMO title was postponed due to “memory” issues.

Chatting with VG247 at GamesCom last week via a translator, Tanaka commented, “The main reason was the memory,” adding, “On the PC, they have enormous memory. For PS3, there’s a restriction."

"They are adjusting the memory size and customising it; it took longer then we were expecting. But we’re really working hard to bring it out as soon as possible.”

Quizzed as to whether or not this was a memory issue relating to either Blu-ray or HDD, he simply replied “Memory” in English.
Final Fantasy XIV is due out for PC in late September, with an open beta scheduled to kick off early next month. An Xbox 360 release has yet to be decided, while the PS3 release will finally show up in March 2011.