Summer Games Fest, the show created by former E3 host Geoff Keighley to kill off E3 is returning for another year, and on Wednesday it was revealed the live showcase will take place on June 7, 2024 at 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 9pm GMT.
This years show will be in-person again at the YouTube Theatre in Los Angeles, but of course it’ll also be streamed live across YouTube and Twitch platforms.
With the official death of E3, Summer Games Fest remains as the big showcase in June where the biggest games announced and unannounced are put on display.
There’s no indication as to what we’ll be seeing at this year’s Summer Games Fest show, though as it is with most years, leaks ahead of the show will fill in the pieces of the puzzle.
At the very least it seems to be a safe bet that FromSoftware will showcase the coming Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC, considering the precedent of FromSoftware showcasing its new projects at Keighley’s various shows.
Source – [Geoff Keighley]