Feature podcast What Remains of Edith Finch

Podcast Special: The Impact of What Remains of Edith Finch

Best PS4 Indie Games 11

Last year, the PlayStation Unchained podcast team begin a new series focusing on the personal impact of games. It doesn’t matter if the games in question are good, bad, or ugly, if they elicit debate and discussion among the Unchained team, they’ll likely get an episode at some point.

For the debut episode, Tim Nunes and Neil Bolt discussed the impact of Giant Sparrow’s clever and heartbreaking game What Remains of Edith Finch. The title delivers narrative-driven exploration of an unusual house, and takes multiple directions to achieve this. To say more would spoil the game.

Be warned, there’s plenty of spoilers ahead.

To find out about future episodes in this series, and other podcasts under the Unchained umbrella, follow @PodUnchained on Twitter.