Team Ninja’s critically acclaimed Nioh franchise has reached 7 million units sold worldwide, announced Team Ninja alongside publisher Koei Tecmo.
“The Nioh franchise has now surpassed 7 million units shipped worldwide!” developer Team Ninja tweeted.
“We’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported us over the years with the release of Nioh in Feb. 2017 and Nioh 2 in Mar. 2020.
We hope you look forward to future Team Ninja Studio projects!”
Currently, we know that Team Ninja is working with PlayStation on a new title called Rise Of The Ronin, and the studio is also working on another title with Koei Tecmo titled Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.
Team Ninja is a now highly renowned for its talent in creating deep combat mechanics and systems, making them a studio to follow for any fan of action games.
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is currently set to release sometime in 2023, while Rise Of The Ronin isn’t scheduled to be out until sometime in 2024.
Source – [Team Ninja]