Supermassive Games has announced on Twitter that it has delayed the online multiplayer mode for The Quarry. It will now arrive via an update by July 8.
The wait is almost over, and the team and I are so excited for you to get your hands on The Quarry is just over 2 weeks! The game will launch on June 10 with local couch co-op and movie mode alongside the single-player campaign.
/However, we’ve made the difficult decision to delay the online multiplayer mode to deliver the best possible experience for you. It’s not a long wait though — online multiplayer will be added via an update by July 8th. We appreciate your understanding and hope you’re excited as we are for launch in just 15 days!
The Quarry is due for release on PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One on June 10, 2022. The game is not part of The Dark Pictures Anthology and is more of a spiritual successor to 2015’s Until Dawn.
Read our full preview on The Quarry here.
[Source – Supermassive Games on Twitter]