Yoshinori Ono, the eccentric producer of the Street Fighter series, has given a possible hint that the latest incarnation of Street Fighter 4, Ultra Street Fighter 4, is coming to the PlayStation 4.
Ono likes to use twitter to post all kinds of pictures with his signature Blanka figure in them, and one of them has caught some interest.
The tweet along with the image above says, ‘Thanks for test playing USF4 at location-test!’ Now, the DualShock 4 is what hints at a possible PS4 release of Ultra Street Fighter 4. However, Ono is known for his trolling and this could be another example of that. He could just be implying that the PlayStation 3 version of the game supports DualShock 4, a feature that is readily available to numerous PS3 games.
Then again, the EU PS4 launch advert did star Ryu from Street Fighter driving a taxi, so there could be an announcement soon, perhaps at the Japanese PS4 launch. Stay tuned to PSU for upcoming news on Ultra Street Fighter 4.