Chucklefish has announced that Wargroove crossplay and its free Double Trouble DLC will be released for PS4 on August 4 via the PlayStation Store.
Wargroove Crossplay Release Date Set
Speaking in a press release, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro, Chucklefish’s CTO and lead programmer, commented:
We’re very happy to finally complete our vision of one big happy Wargroove community as PS4 Wargroove players can now play with those on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PC! From the very beginning, we knew that the multiplayer aspect of Wargroove was a huge part of the experience, and that it made the game very suitable for cross-play amongst all platforms.
This became even more important with the release of ‘Double Trouble’ and its co-op campaign, and we felt that it wouldn’t be right to bring it to the platform without cross-play support. Our thanks to the Blitworks team who has been working on bringing the DLC to PS4. Thanks for your patience, and hope you’ll have fun!
The Double Trouble DLC was previously released for the PC, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch earlier this year. Read our Wargroove review here.