News PlayStation 5 PS5 scalpers Sony

3,500 PS5 Consoles Have Reportedly Been Claimed By UK Scalper Group

A UK scalper group has claimed that it has acquired as many as 3,500 PS5 consoles, which in a market where Sony’s next-generation console is currently near-impossible to get hold of, isn’t exactly what you want to hear.

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Thousands Of PS5s Seized By UK Scalpers

An interview with Business Insider has shed light on the reseller market in the country, which sees organisations flogging high-demand products at exorbitant prices to make a tidy profit. Right now, PS5 is obviously in high demand, and scalpers are able to employ some dirty tricks to make sure they get their hands on them first.

They have bots that are able jump queues and bypass waiting times online, as well as allowing them to complete purchase transitions much quicker than your average Joe. The group in question however claims that it has members purchasing PS5s in the regular manner.

Scalper organisations flog subscriptions to those interested in reselling products, giving them access to various services to facilitate the process of sourcing in-demand products. These include bots and cold-hard insight and advice, and once said items have been purchased, they can be resold to make a huge profit.

The PS5 launched in the UK last Thursday and promptly sold out at retailers.

[Source – Business Insider via Push Square]