Biomutant Experiment 101 News PS4 PS5

Biomutant Dev Confirms The Game Will Be Playable On PS5 & Xbox Series X

Biomutant producer Stefan Ljungqvist has revealed that the long-delayed title will be playable on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Biomutant PS5 Confirmed?

Speaking with Gamereactor, it isn’t known whether Ljungqvist was referring to a dedicated next-generation version of the game, or simply the backwards compatibility features of the PS5 and Xbox Series X.

When asked if he thought it was risky launching Biomutant for PS4 and Xbox One when there’s new systems just around the corner, Ljungqvist replied:

The new consoles are obviously much more powerful than the previous generation and this generation has even more interesting aspects than the previous generation, purely technically and from a wider perspective than just hardware. We don’t see it as a risk, rather an opportunity for the future. Our focus now, however, is to complete Biomutant, and ensure that it is as good as possible.

Finally, when asked outright about a PS5 and Xbox Series X version, he added:

Let me say this: you will be able to play Biomutant on your new console.

Biomutant has yet to attract a release date and is currently slated for PS4, PC and Xbox One. Pleasingly, the game will not feature microtransactions.

[Source – Gamereactor EU]