Lucid Games has gone ahead and released Destruction AllStars update 2.000.002 and its patch notes, which brings a host of new content to the game in the form of Season One Hotshots.
The update is about 13GB and you can read all about what comes with Season One in more detail here. You can also see the Destruction AllStars update 2.002.000 patch notes below, alongside the roadmap for the season.
Season One: Hotshots has begun!
A New AllStar has joined the roster!
Alba has been added into the game for all players to use at no additional cost.
Added The AllStar Pass to Destruction AllStars
The AllStar Pass adds a new way for players to earn cosmetic rewards
The Pass contains a free tier and a premium tier
The premium tier can be purchased for 1000 Destruction Points
Players can level up their AllStar Pass by earning Season Points through various methods of online play:
Completing multiplayer matches online
Completing weekly Seasonal Challenges
Completing Sponsor Challenges
Missing Trophies
Fixed an issue where players would earn a badge for completing the requirements, but not the trophy.
After a match is complete, a check will be made against your account regarding which badges you have, if the trophy for that badge is missing, it will then be applied to your account.
Voice Chat
Re-enabled voice comms with new UI functionality.
Voice comms will be off by default.
Global voice comms settings can be changed in Options.
Voice comms can also be toggled in-game, by pressing the left side of the middle touch pad button.
Voice comms allows players to listen to all player voice chat or mute all player voice chat.
This represents our first phase rollout of new voice comms functionality.
Audio Improvements
Added tannoy speaker music effects and air horn spot effects.
The Barge Ready sound has been redesigned and will now play through the pad speaker.
Added new sound for the Gridfall extra life pickup.
Victory shouts from other players now play more clearly over other audio.
Added sound effect for when your hero vehicle is ready to be called in.
Added new voice lines at the start of a match.
Adjusted Game timer for all modes.
Mayhem and Coronado adjusted to 5 minutes, previously 6 minutes.
Gridfall adjusted to 3 minutes, previously 6 minutes.
Gridfall now features a 30 second grace period at the start of a match where you have one temporary extra life.
Renamed Challenge Series to Story Mode
Same content, new name!
Fixed an issue with the ‘Smash 20 Score Crates in Wildfire’ star objective in Lupita’s Story Mode.
Will now complete if the 20th crate is the last crate in the event.
Fixed an issue where users with new PSN accounts on first boot were sometimes not being matched with existing players.
Resolved an issue which sometimes interfered with successfully matching North American and European players.
Shredder: Increased the cooldown of the shred from 20s to 25s.
Decreased the time the shred is active from 5s to 4s.
Reduced vehicle health by 20 (previously 220).
Sabre ability when active, will beat Bluefang’s Shredder ability when active. (so it will slice the shredder, not shred the slicer).
Destruction AllStars is available now on PS5.
Source – [Reddit]