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Dreams PS5 Creators Develop An Incredible Animated Short Film In Dreams

Dreams has given many talented and creative individuals on PS5 and PS4 the chance to make pretty much whatever they can think of, and the filmmakers behind Cyber Sheep Films have done just that with what is an incredibly impressive episode for a new anime short film, all done in Dreams on PS5.

The show is called Noguchi’s Bell, and the the new episode runs for approximately 21 minutes, following a young Ronin in the desert, in search of an old master he wishes to learn from. The boy quickly finds an old eccentric man running a noodle shop in the middle of the desert, who helps him find the temple and master he is looking for.

You can watch the full episode of Noguchi’s Bell, completely animated using Dreams on PS5 for yourself here:

The short film is very impressive both with the quality of the filmmaking from Cyber Sheep Films but also what they were able to do with the Dreams engine. It’s clear that this could be an even more powerful tool for creators if expanded. Until then, we’ll enjoy amazing creations like these and others from the PS5 and PS4 Dreams community. community