
EA defends PS3 version of Madden NFL 08

Electronic Arts has responded to claims in USD Today regarding the PlayStation 3 version of Madden NFL 08, which was criticised as being “sluggish” compared to its Xbox 360 counterpart.

Comparing both versions, the article stated that the Xbox 360 version ran noticeably "twice as fast” as the PS3 title. However, in a statement issued this week, EA highlighted the fact developers have had access to Xbox 360 hardware for a considerably longer amount of time than PS3, with many having only spent the last 12 months developing for Sony’s next-generation console.

"In the case of the next-generation consoles, many publishers have been developing titles for the Xbox 360 for over three and a half years while everyone who publishes now for the PlayStation 3 with the exception of Sony has been developing for the PlayStation 3 for only a little over one full year," the publisher stated.

"The differences in the overall knowledge of the hardware is vastly different for both consoles and, as is the case with newer technology, it is very difficult to get it right the first time."

Madden NFL 08 shipped to retail across North America yesterday, with the European version due out on August 24th.