PlayStation Home will be decked out in spooky decorations for this year’s Halloween celebration starting on Oct. 24. Besides just looking the part for the holiday, the Adventure District will be home to Chuck’s bar. This demonic bartender will send you on a scavenger hunt to find ingredients for all sorts of potions and concoctions that will have various effects on players’ Home avatars. Various horror themed mini-games made for friendly competition will be added as well. Independent of Sony, dedicated Home residents will be hosting a costume party on Oct. 29, 10 p.m. EST, also in the Adventure District.
Crackle is offering 32 horror movies for free in Theater #3. Stopping by will earn you an axed head hat, and a Crackle Kill Count t-shirt. Ten select films will also net you a movie poster. Aside from these events, spooky store items being added soon include a variety of costumes ranging from silly to unsettling masks from Konami, haunted house furniture from Juggernaut, and entirely new estates.
How do you guys feel about Home’s Halloween offerings? Will it encourage you to give the service a try? Will any event in Home ever top the ‘Hamsters vs. Humans dance-off’ of 2009? Let us know in the comments.