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Louisiana Film Company Stellarblade Is Suing Shift Up And PlayStation Over Stellar Blade

A Louisiana-based film production company called Stellarblade is suing PlayStation and Korean developer Shift Up over the action game Stellar Blade.

Spotted by IGN, the lawsuit filed in the state of Louisiana last month has owner of the film production company Griffith Chambers Mehaffey against the developer and Sony, alleging that the game Stellar Blade has damaged the Mehaffey’s business, and for good measure he’s alleging trademark infringement.

Due to the game, Mehaffey claims that it’s now nearly impossible for people to find his business, since the game buries any search results that might’ve previously been picked up by his business.

Should Mehaffey be successful in his bid, he’s seeking his legal fees covered, and that Sony and Shift Up refrain from using the name Stellar Blade in the future.

He’s also wanting, should he win, Sony and Shift Up to hand over any and all materials the two company’s possess with the name “Stellar Blade” on them so that he and his Stellarblade can destroy them.

Of course it’s far too early to know what will happen with this lawsuit, but it’ll be interesting to see if Mehaffey can gain any traction at all, against two much larger combatants.

Source – [IGN]