
Marvel Heroes Omega Update 1.06 is live on PS4, patch notes inside

marvel heroes omega update

The latest Marvel Heroes Omega update 1.06 is now available to download on PS4, bringing with a host of changes.

Marvel Heroes Omega review

The official patch notes give us the complete lowdown.

• Catalysts will no longer drop with Mental, Physical or Energy damage types. These affixes have been replaced with Cooldown, Signature and Ultimate affixes.
• Removed several incorrect affixes from Hero item affix pools:
– Jean Grey can no longer roll Melee Damage
– Rocket Raccoon no longer rolls Energy Damage
– Gambit no longer rolls Force Damage
• Fixed issues with Hulkbuster Munitions and Anti-Reality Grenade artifact tooltips.


• Astral Projection’s Daggers of Daveroth damage has been fixed to now properly deal 25% of Doctor Strange’s Daggers of Daveroth.
• Fixed an issue with the Controlled Power talent causing Mysticism to not generate.
• Fixed an issue with the Guardian Seraphim talent not triggering talents tied to Shield of the Seraphim or spending Mystic Energy.

• Jean Grey’s Expel Phoenix Force power now uses the correct visual (purple instead of orange).

• Fixed an issue with Iceman’s Ice Slick continuously re-applying the Freeze effect with each tick rather than only on initial cast.

• Fixed an issue with Iron Man’s Coolant Blast not being able to be activated.

• Squirrel Girl’s Baffling Dialogue cooldown increased to 20 seconds.
• Fixed an issue with Squirrel Girls’ For Monkey Joe! talent not providing the correct amount of bonuses to powers that gain benefits based on summoned squirrels.
• Clarified tooltip of Squirrel Girl’s Swell the Scurry talent.

• Minor performance improvements while playing in Midtown Patrol.
• There is now a 5 second delay when using an emote before the same emote can be activated.
• Travel powers can no longer be repeatedly activated by rapidly tapping the hotkey while in HQs.
• There is now a “Wait” option in the confirmation dialog after completing a Danger Room scenario mission to allow you to close the dialogue to continue looting before progressing to the next mission.
• Players will now properly receive the 525 Eternity Splinter reward from the tutorial if they enter the game via a party invite that causes them to skip the Times Square tutorial section.
• Fixed an issue where the amount of XP required to level vendors beyond level 10 was much lower than intended.
• Buff Timers in the Buff Panel with a duration over 2 hours will now also show minutes and seconds remaining instead of just hours
• Modified the S.H.I.E.L.D. Supply bar to always show on the HUD.
• HYDRA Heavy Gunners will now drop the correct loot for their rank and for the player’s difficulty setting.
• Mandarin’s flame in the Cosmic Gate encounter will now stop dealing damage as soon as the player moves out of the area, rather than continuing to burn for a short duration.
• Players will receive the Overhead Indicators tutorial message upon entering Avengers Tower and not at the start of Times Square tutorial.
• Fixed an issue in the power panel where, after assigning a slot, the power you return to did not show up as selected.
• Fixed an issue where the Medkit cooldown for player 2 was actually showing the cooldown for player 1 during co-op play.
• Fixed an issue where the boosts on the Player 1 HUD would overlap with other UI when the PS4’s Display Area settings were set to anything besides 90%.
• Fixed issue where the wrong loot was dropping from the Rock Troll side portal in Dimensions Collide Operation.
• Fixed an issue where the lore missions for "History of Mutants" and "Secrets of Mutant Town" would not activate.
• Fixed an issue where Prestige-related Trophies would fail to be awarded if the player activated their Prestige from the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier HQ.
• Fixed an issue where pressing the Bodyslider power and travel power would cause a desync issue on the client.
• Fixed an issue where a player could activate a movement power while quickly pressing and releasing the left analog stick and the hero would continue running in a direction.
• Fixed an issue where some melee powers would make the Hero path to the target even if it wasn’t directly in front of them.
• Fixed an issue where players disconnected during the Raft cinematic would be unable to progress the Raft mission upon logging back in.
• Fixed an issue which would cause the gamepad button display for expanding Inventory capacity to not initially appear until it was updated.
• Fixed an issue that prevented travel powers performed by other players from orienting correctly under certain circumstances.
• Fixed an issue that prevented the usage of emotes while playing as Captain America.
• Fixed an issue where some tutorial title text were cut off in other languages.
• Adjusted description of Trophy ‘All In A Day’s Work’ to complete Alerts instead of Special Events.
• Resolved typos in loading screen tips.