Feature Guide MLB The Show 18 PS4

MLB The Show 18 Batting Tips

mlb the show 18 batting tips

Looking for MLB The Show 18 Batting Tips? We've got some helpful advice to you, courtesy of an established player!

Learn how to bat in MLB The Show 18 like a pro and you'll be hitting home runs in no time. Like any of the past Major League Baseball games, being able to the hit the ball effectively requires plenty of practice.

In the comprehensive practice mode, you've got all the time in the world to perfect your batting technique and improve your timing. Spend a lot of time in here, and follow these batting tips to get the most out of your game.

MLB The Show 18 Batting Tips

Use Strike Zone Camera Angle

Due to the zoomed in position of the camera angle, you can make a much better judgement of when to hit the ball. Ultimately, it also gives you more precision and control on where you want to place the ball. Simply change the camera in the section - Hitting View.

Use Zone Hitting

In the settings, you can change to zone hitting in the Batting and Baserunning section. Select Hitting Interface and toggle to Zone. It gives you better total control over your PCI ( yellow lines in strike zone). Move the PCI to where the pitch is incoming and with a bit of practise and perfect timing you'll be knocking the ball all around the park with precision.

MLB The Show 18 strike zone
Best MLB The Show 18 Batting Tips: Practise makes perfect.

Within the same interface, the recommended setting are:

  • Input Type - Buttons
  • Analog Type – Flick
  • Plate Coverage Indicator - On
  • PCI Appearance - Wedge (experiment with this to choose one that you prefer)
  • Camera Shift - On
  • Hitting View - Strike Zone
  • In-Play View Offense – Medium

Knock the Pitcher's Confidence

You don't need to take a strike at every ball. If you strike and miss, the pitcher gains in confidence, but the more balls he pitches it will lower. This is indicated on the blue confidence bar. As a result of low confidence, he'll make more mistakes.

Shout out to Koogs46 for his excellent MLB The Show 18 tips. You can watch the video in full below, and subscribe to his channel for more helpful guides. Also, check out our MLB The Show 2018 review to find out our thoughts on SIE San Diego Studio's PS4 exclusive.