Crazy Taxi Crazy Taxi Reboot News PS5 SEGA

SEGA Describes Crazy Taxi Reboot As A ‘Triple-A’ Game

According to a report on Japan Times, SEGA’s Sapporo Studio has described the upcoming Crazy Taxi reboot as a triple-A game.

Takaya Segawa, president and senior executive office at Sapporo Studio and Sega, had the following to say on the studio’s operations, where he explicitly mentions the revival of the popular Dreamcast franchise.

We’re responsible for titles such as Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis and Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage in cooperation with the bases in Tokyo and overseas We are also participating in the development of triple-A titles, including Crazy Taxi. At present, we don’t have any titles developed independently by the studio, but we intend to do so in the future.

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SEGA is reviving a number of classic IPs in the coming years beyond Crazy Taxi, including Golden Axe, Jet Set Radio, Revenge of Shinobi, and Streets of Rage (although the latter received a new entry a few years back, this new Streets of Rage is a 3D brawler).

Crazy Taxi was originally released in the arcades 25 years ago, and was later ported to the Dreamcast where it became one of the console’s most popular titles.

[Source – Japan Times]