PS4 Sega Classics

Sega Genesis Classics Gets PS4 Release With Over 50 Games

[UPDATE] Sega has now confirmed that the Sega Genesis Classics edition for PS4 will feature over 50 games, some of which will be enhanced from their original. These new features will include: Rewind, Mirror Mode and a host of visual filters.

A trailer for Sega Genesis Classics coming to PS4 this May was released today, but was been promptly removed indicating that someone at Sega prematurely published the video on Youtube. However, the Sega Genesis Classics trailer is now officially live, and the collection is confirmed ! In the UK, it will be called Sega Mega Drive Classics.

The trailer specifically lists May 29 as the release date of the Sega Genesis Collection or Sega Mega Drive Classics as it is known in Europe. If the below cover art is legit, the collection will include more than fifty games as well as a bonus double sided poster. Sonic the Hedgehog, Streets of Rage, Altered Beast, and ToeJam and Earl are just a few we spotted from the trailer.

From the press release:

The collection has over 50 retro classics to experience across every genre; arcade action, shooters, beat'm ups, puzzlers, old favourites and hidden gems, with a raft of modern features. These include online multiplayer, achievements, mirror modes, rewind and save states meaning players old and new should find revisiting these great games an absolute Sonic 3D Blast. Visit the product page for more details,

The physical edition will be available to pre-order from US and EMEA retailers very soon. It comes complete with a double sided Golden Axe and Streets of Rage poster, identical to the ones you will see in the game's 90s inspired retro gamer's bedroom, the hub through which players can access the entire collection. Details of digital pre-order will also be available very soon.

The full list of games in the collection is epic. Check them out!

Thank you Sega! This is so much better than having to buy miniature versions of consoles to enjoy the classic games we love.